School days, school days

Dear old golden rule days

Reading and writing and 'rithmetic

Taught to the tune of the hickory stick

My great grandfather used to sing this song to my mother and her siblings as the days of summer drew to a close. And as the llamas debuted their latest festive garb, I couldn't help but sing this song in my head.

Llamas you ask? I'm of course referring to the house near ours that has a one-of-a-kind method of seasonal decorating: dressing up stuffed llamas in their picture window. These llamas are actually a permanent fixture in the front window of this home, and get dressed up for special occasions year-round like Mothers Day and the World Cup. And this week, they are commemorating the back to school season by sporting a backpack, glasses, text book, and apple (of course).

I have to admit I'm a bit relieved that the llamas skipped an artistic interpretation of Labor Day. That could have been interesting. But I digress.

What changes took place in your home to coincide with the back to school season? A bowl of apples on your dining table? Backpacks hung on hooks in your mud room? Llamas in your front window? We'd love to hear all about it. 

Comments 3


Nicole Hayes
9/14/2011 at 4:10 PM
my fav!!
Amy Esmond Rutherford
9/14/2011 at 11:10 PM
Great post! First, I sing that song to my kids in the morning when rousting them out of bed! Second, those llamas belong to one of my favorite customers. Saw her last week and told her about the blog!
Old Town Home
9/15/2011 at 9:09 AM
Awesome. We're so happy she may know how much her llamas are appreciated :-) They are our neighborhood celebrities.
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