Wow, what a week! But crazily enough, even hurricanes, earthquakes, business trips and delayed flights can't take my focus away from my favorite holiday -- Halloween! I know, I know. The beach bags aren't yet put away and the air conditioners are still running on high, but celebrating this special season takes a lot of time and care in order to prepare for and savor it properly.

Each and every year since we purchased our home, Alex and I have thrown a Halloween costume party. Even as early as July, I begin to purchase new decorations, start thinking about my party menu, and kick around costume ideas. I mean, if you're going to have a coordinating look with your dog (like Oliver and I did in 2009), you need time!

I also, of course, turn my attention to the invites themselves. I toe a fine line when it comes to the invitations. I absolutely insist, despite the ever rising postage price, that we print and mail our invites. There's nothing wrong with sending an electronic invitation, but there's something very special about receiving something other than junk mail and bills in your mail box (or through your mail slot as is the case in our house). On the other hand, I don't want to break the bank on pricey invitations that cost more than what we sent our wedding guests.  

Over the years, I've gone several different routes, to include carving a potato to make a custom pumpkin stamp, self designing both folded invitations and postcards (sending postcards will save on postage), and I've even had them professionally printed. 

Since our party will be held a few weeks earlier this year due to other commitments (including a friend's wedding), I knew I needed to get the show on the road. So this year I opted to go with an order from Vistaprint. I don't love their existing designs as much as some of the other print websites, but at less than $.50 each with shipping, I couldn't pass them up. Here's a shot of my laptop screen as I began to work on them. (I apologize for the bad quality.)

I did opt to play a game of roulette when it came to the shipping. I went with the cheapest (21 day) shipping option, with the hope that they may come sooner. I'll keep you posted. If it takes the full 21 days, it will be a little tighter than I would like to mail these out in advance of the RSVP date. But I'm living on the edge today.

I feel great. With this purchase, I've officially kicked off the 2011 Halloween season. Now I need to get my rear in gear when it comes to costumes. I'm not sure I can top our couple's costume from last year because we had so much fun with it. Can anyone guess who we are?  


Any costume suggestions for this year? I don't have any ideas yet for Alex and me, but I'm leaning toward a black widow spider for Lulu. (Alex thinks she should be Darth Vader.) And I think we'll let Mel off the hook. His last costume of a dinosaur didn't go over well. He looks happier to be at the vet than in that get up.

Is anyone else out there thinking about fall and Halloween yet, or am I a crazy, obsessed lunatic? Any new festive recipes I should try out this year? As the season unfolds, you'll see a lot more Halloween posts on Old Town Home!

Comments 9


Nicole Hayes
8/29/2011 at 12:12 PM
yay, can't wait!
8/29/2011 at 2:26 PM
Hubby and I just bought our first house and so yes, I'm already planning Halloween this year....a first for me! I have decorations "pinned" and my costume picked out (although not yet pulled together!) and have even picked out one for Hubby (he's gonna go as a Lego Man!)
I sense I'm in the company of another Halloween junkie. And I'm so impressed you already have your costumes picked out!
8/29/2011 at 5:30 PM
You guys are TOTALLY Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love!!!
I can't wait to live in a place where I actually WANT to give my neighbours kids candy.
You got it! Your comment about your neighbors' kids cracked me up. :-) Unfortunately we typically don't get any trick-or-treaters. There's one street in Old Town that is THE place to be, and it's not our street!
8/29/2011 at 5:54 PM
Hey Wendy, LOVE the bee keeper & bee costume idea. That's just brilliant! And it's definitely not too early for Halloween, since just this past weekend, one of our local dollar stores already had Halloween stuff, and I bought 3 cute jack-o-lantern votive holders to hang in the porch. As for new stuff to try, I just saw that President's Choice has come out with a new "Pumpkin Pie" ice cream, and apparently it's really good.
Thanks JC! I had so much fun making the hat. And, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one already making plans for All Hallows Eve. :-)

Pumpkin pie ice cream, huh? Now that's something I've never seen or tried. I'll keep my eyes peeled!
8/30/2011 at 2:15 PM
Just stumbled on your blog. Love it!! Can't wait to see what you do for Halloween! p.s. we live in Arlington!
Welcome to Old Town Home, Melissa! We're so glad you found us and like the blog. :-) There will be many more posts on Halloween (sorry to the peeps that hate the holiday), so stay tuned. As a local, we hope you weathered last week's events safely!
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